Beat Pricing
MP3 Lease
Receive the beat untagged (MP3)
Sell up to 3,000 tracks
Available for iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, etc.
Quicklime Productions maintains full ownership of the instrumental
WAV Lease
Receive the beat untagged (WAV)
Sell up to 5,000 tracks
Available for iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, etc.
Quicklime Productions maintains full ownership of the instrumental
Receive the beat untagged (WAV + STEMS)
Sell up to 10,000 tracks
Available for iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, etc.
Quicklime Productions maintains full ownership of the instrumental
Receive the beat untagged (WAV + STEMS)
Sell UNLIMITED tracks
Available for iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, etc.
Quicklime Productions maintains full ownership of the instrumental
Receive the beat untagged (WAV)
Sell UNLIMITED tracks
Available for iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, etc.
You will receive 85% ownership of the instrumental (receive signed contract)